Charges: 2
Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Cooldown 24 Charge Cooldown 0.25
- Enhanced Frost Nova: Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova reduces its Cooldown by 1 seconds, up to 4 seconds per cast.
- Mystical Frost Nova: Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds against Bosses.
- Shimmering Frost Nova: Frost Nova grants +3% Dodge Chance per enemy hit for 8 seconds, up to +15%. Dodging while this effect is active restores 20 Mana.
Hitting a Boss with Frost Nova grants the maximum stacks of the Dodge Chance bonus.
Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have up to a 0% chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.
Affix /3
Charges: 2
Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Cooldown 24 Charge Cooldown 0.25
- Enhanced Frost Nova: Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova reduces its Cooldown by 1 seconds, up to 4 seconds per cast.
- Mystical Frost Nova: Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds against Bosses.
- Shimmering Frost Nova: Frost Nova grants +3% Dodge Chance per enemy hit for 8 seconds, up to +15%. Dodging while this effect is active restores 20 Mana.
Hitting a Boss with Frost Nova grants the maximum stacks of the Dodge Chance bonus.
Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have up to a 0% chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.
Unique Pants
800 Item Power
800 Armor
The mad artisan saw his fingers turn black from frostbite as he worked the cloth, but refused to stay the needle and thread for even a moment.
Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Info /39
name | desc |
SF_0 | 4 * Min(1.5, 1 + (AoE_Size_Bonus_Per_Power#Sorcerer_FrostNova / 2)) |
SF_1 | 24 * [1/0.95/0.9/0.86/0.82] |
SF_2 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_FrostNova) ? (GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_FrostNova) + 1) : 0 |
SF_3 | Affix_Value_1#legendary_sorc_017 |
SF_4 | 1 |
SF_5 | 24 * [1/0.95/0.9/0.86/0.82] * (1+Affix_Value_1#legendary_sorc_017) |
SF_6 | 1 |
SF_7 | 4 |
SF_8 | 4 |
SF_9 | 6 |
SF_10 | 4 |
SF_11 | 3 |
SF_17 | 0.5 |
SF_18 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_FrostNova) ? 0 : 1 |
SF_19 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_FrostNova) ? 1 : 0 |
SF_20 | .03 |
SF_21 | 20 |
SF_22 | 8 |
SF_23 | 5 |
SF_24 | .15 |
SF_25 | .15 |
SF_26 | 1 |
SF_27 | Min(1.5, 1 + (AoE_Size_Bonus_Per_Power#Sorcerer_FrostNova / 2)) |
SF_28 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_FrostNova) |
name | Frost Nova |
desc | Cooldown: {Cooldown Time} seconds Charges: {SF_2} Charge Cooldown: {Recharge Time} seconds Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for {buffduration:FREEZE} seconds. |
rankup_desc | Cooldown {Cooldown Time} Charge Cooldown {Recharge Time} |
Buff7_Name | Chilly Evasion |
Buff7_Description | Dodge Chance is increased. |
Mod4_Description | Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova reduces its Cooldown by {SF_6} seconds, up to {SF_7} seconds per cast. |
Mod4_Name | Enhanced Frost Nova |
Mod1_Description | Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable for {SF_8} seconds, increased to {SF_9} seconds against Bosses. |
Mod1_Name | Mystical Frost Nova |
Mod0_Description | Frost Nova grants [{SF_20}*100|%+|] Dodge Chance per enemy hit for {SF_22} seconds, up to [{SF_24}*100|%+|]. Dodging while this effect is active restores {SF_21} Mana. Hitting a Boss with Frost Nova grants the maximum stacks of the Dodge Chance bonus. |
Mod0_Name | Shimmering Frost Nova |
{buffduration:FREEZE} | 3 |
{Combat Effect Chance} | 0 |
{Cooldown Time} | 24 |
{Recharge Time} | 0.25 |