Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Shapeshift into an Unstoppable{else}a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining x60% bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction{/if}. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form, up to a maximum of 75%.

Kills extend the duration by 1 second, and Overpowering Bosses extend the duration by 5 seconds, but the duration cannot go above 10 seconds.

Casting Grizzly Rage Knocks Down surrounding enemies for 5 seconds and deals 100% damage to them.
Rank Up:
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
Casting Grizzly Rage Knocks Down surrounding enemies for 5 seconds and deals 100% damage to them

  • Prime Grizzly Rage: Grizzly Rage makes you Unstoppable for 6 seconds.
  • Supreme Grizzly Rage: Gain 8% of your Maximum Life (Max(1,0.08)) as Fortify per second while Grizzly Rage is active.
Affix /6
Extend the duration of Ultimate Skills by 35%.
Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Grizzly Rage is now a Werewolf Skill and Shapeshifts you into a Dire Werewolf. Dire Werewolves gain +10% Movement Speed and 20% Spirit Cost Reduction instead of Damage Reduction. In addition, kills Heal you for 10% of your Maximum Life.(Druid Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • The duration of Grizzly Rage is increased by 3 seconds. In addition, Critical Strikes while Grizzly Rage is active increase your Critical Strike Damage by x10% for the duration, up to a maximum of 200%.(Druid Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Endless Gates in Hawezar OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • While Grizzly Rage is active, Skills that Critically Strike apply Rabies and your Poison damage is increased by 60%.(Druid Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Druid, Resource, Codex of Power
  • Increases your Maximum Spirit by 50 and Spirit Generation by x50% while Grizzly Rage is active.(Druid Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Ring
    of the Unconstrained Beast
    Druid, Resource
  • When you are hit with a Stun, Freeze or Knock Down effect, there is a [40 – 60]% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 1 seconds.(Druid Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Ring
    Info /52