Hatred's Seat

Legendary Pants
800 Item Power

800 Armor
Cooldown: 1 Seconds
"I cradled the foal above my knee and held her close as she shook and bled. I told them she would've slowed us down, would've died soon anyway. I did not tell them how sweet her killing was."
Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Spiritborn
Information /1
name desc
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
{ "Name": "Hatred's Seat", "Flavor": "\"I cradled the foal above my knee and held her close as she shook and bled. I told them she would've slowed us down, would've died soon anyway. I did not tell them how sweet her killing was.\"" }
References to other File
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