Hunger for a New Life Quest /5

All Referenced Items

  • Empty Tea Infuser QST_Step_HungerforaNewLife_ContainerEmpty
  • Filled Tea Infuser QST_Step_HungerforaNewLife_ContainerFilled
  • Phase8

  • I found Zolaya and Oyuun attempting to settle down in Farobru, but Oyuun seems to be having a traumatic flashback. Zolaya has sent me to an old hideout out of hers with a tea infuser to fill with herbs, in the hopes the tea will help calm Oyuun down.
  • Phase7

  • Enter Zolaya's Hideout
  • Phase11

  • I've retrieved the herbs Zolaya mentioned from her hideout. I should return to her in Farobru, so she can make the tea for Oyuun. I hope it helps.
  • Phase10

  • Return to Zolaya and Oyuun
  • Hunger for a New Life Quest /2


  • Fill the {ITEM:QST_Step_HungerforaNewLife_ContainerEmpty} with herbs
  • Phase31

  • I've found Zolaya's hideout. All that's left to do now is fill the tea infuser with the medicinal herbs she mentioned.