In Search of Answers Quest /6
label name
LevelAreaEastern Pass
NameIn Search of Answers
ToastFind the hermit in the pass east of Nevesk.
BreadcrumbHeaderFind the hermit in the pass east of Nevesk.
BreadcrumbDescriptionI told the monk of my vision. He was clearly unsettled by what I described. He told me to search the mountains to the north for a hermit who may be connected to these dark events.


  • I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?
  • Phase29OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Enter the cabin
  • Phase28

  • Enter the cabin
  • Phase47

  • I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?
  • Phase47OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Examine the Strange Skull
  • Phase49

  • Speak with Lorath Nahr
  • Phase0

  • I told the monk of my vision. He was clearly unsettled by what I described. He told me to search the mountains to the north for a hermit who may be connected to these dark events.
  • Phase0OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Find the hermit's cabin
  • Phase59

  • Find the hermit's cabin
  • Phase81

  • I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?
  • Phase81OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Search the cabin
  • Phase80

  • Search the cabin
  • Phase85

  • I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?
  • Phase85OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Enter the back room
  • Phase99

  • Enter the back room
  • Phase88

  • I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?
  • Phase88OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Examine the Strange Skull
  • Phase120

  • Examine the Strange Skull
  • stl
    { "Name": "In Search of Answers", "Toast": "Find the hermit in the pass east of Nevesk.", "Phase29Description": "I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?", "Callback28Header": "Enter the cabin", "Phase47Description": "I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?", "Callback49Header": "Speak with Lorath Nahr", "Phase0Description": "I told the monk of my vision. He was clearly unsettled by what I described. He told me to search the mountains to the north for a hermit who may be connected to these dark events.", "Callback59Header": "Find the hermit's cabin", "Phase81Description": "I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?", "Callback80Header": "Search the cabin", "Phase85Description": "I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?", "Callback99Header": "Enter the back room", "Phase88Description": "I found a small house hidden away in the mountains. Could this be the hermit's home?", "Callback120Header": "Examine the Strange Skull", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Find the hermit in the pass east of Nevesk.", "BreadcrumbDescription": "I told the monk of my vision. He was clearly unsettled by what I described. He told me to search the mountains to the north for a hermit who may be connected to these dark events.", "Phase29OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Enter the cabin", "Phase47OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Examine the Strange Skull", "Phase0OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Find the hermit's cabin", "Phase81OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Search the cabin", "Phase85OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Enter the back room", "Phase88OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Examine the Strange Skull" }
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