Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
Summon a fiery serpent that continually constricts the target area, Burning enemies for [8*0]*100% damage over 8 seconds and continually making them Vulnerable for 5 seconds.{else}.
Rank Up:
Damage [[8*0]*100% * 4]
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
Enemies within Inferno are continually made Vulnerable for 5 seconds
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
Enemies within Inferno are continually made Vulnerable for 5 seconds
- Prime Inferno: Inferno repeatedly Pulls enemies to its center.
- Supreme Inferno: While Inferno is active, your Pyromancy Skills deal 50% increased damage and cost no Mana.
Affix /1
Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
While Inferno is active, your Meteorites deal x200% increased damage.(Sorcerer Only)
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Info /32
Inferno Quest /3