Journal of Zoltun Kulle, Entry 2

Information /4
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
QuestKulle's Heart
Lore /1
name desc
Journal of Zoltun Kulle, Entry 2
  • (Male) [PH] Note 03
  • Zoltun Kulle: Let it be known: the work is done, and the minds of Zoltun Kulle and Ayuzhan of Caldeum have birthed a miracle.
  • (Male) With quiet awe
  • Zoltun Kulle: Before my very eyes, the Loom wove inert, ambient energy into a focused stream of fire. It burned my palm, and I laughed with joy.
  • Zoltun Kulle: Ayuzhan embraced me. I could feel time slow. I could see the filaments of his iris in the firelight.
  • Zoltun Kulle: He is my peer. In a way no one has ever been.
{ "Name": "Journal of Zoltun Kulle, Entry 2" }
References to this File
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