Lost Cause Quest /5

All Referenced Items

  • Zakarum Prayer Amulet QST_Hawe_Vyeresz_FetchMinor_02_Trinkets
  • Phase6

  • The Crusader Erdener in Vyeresz has lost many men to cultists outside of the camp. While Erdener recovered the fallen, he noticed their prayer beads missing. The cultists who slew them wear them as a mockery of the Zakarum faith. I’ve been tasked with hunting down the thieves and retrieving the prayer amulets.
  • Phase5

  • Collect {ITEM:QST_Hawe_Vyeresz_FetchMinor_02_Trinkets} from Cultists: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
  • Phase9

  • The Zakarum prayer amulets have been recovered from the cultists. Erdener will be happy to have them returned.
  • Phase8

  • Return to Erdener