Masterworking Quest /4


  • Masterworking can be done at the Blacksmith, and can improve the affixes of a Fully Tempered Legendary, Unique or Mythic Unique item. Seek out Zivek in Kyovashad to create a piece of Masterworked gear.
  • Phase9

  • Speak with Zivek
  • Phase11

  • Masterwork a piece of gear at the Blacksmith
  • Masterworking

    Legendary Bartering Upgrade

    An additional Legendary item will be offered when {icon:Marker_Bartering, 2.4}Bartering.
    After reaching level 60, this has a chance to be a cache of Masterworking materials and Obols.

    {icon:Marker_Bartering, 2.4} Bartering becomes available upon reaching Character level 15 and Rank 5 Rapport with any Mercenary.

    Bartering: This upgrade will go into effect on the next new stock delivery. The more difficult an item is to obtain, the less likely it will be offered.
    Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
    Information /1
  • Improve the affixes of your items through Masterworking.
  • Only Fully Tempered Legendary, Unique, or Mythic Unique items may be Masterworked.
  • You can reset an item's Masterwork rank to 0.