Necromancer: Call of the Underworld Quest /3
label name
LevelAreaWestern Ways
NameNecromancer: Call of the Underworld

All Referenced Items

  • Unbroken Bone QST_Class_Necro_Bone
  • Phase8

  • The Necromancer Maltorius would teach me to craft a Golem. I must gather bones to form its body.
  • Phase7

  • Collect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
  • Phase11

  • The Necromancer Maltorius would teach me to craft a Golem. I must harvest wandering souls to give my Golem a mind and a will.
  • Phase10

  • Enter the Bitter Cave
  • Phase22

  • In my mind I hear the echoing voices of the dead. They bid me to honor my Necromantic calling with a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Rathma.
  • Phase21

  • Pray at the Shrine of Rathma
  • Phase25

  • A strange vision has appeared at the Shrine of Rathma, a figure alight with Necromantic energies. He appears eager to speak with me.
  • Phase24

  • Speak with the spectral presence
  • Phase31

  • The Necromancer Maltorius would teach me to craft a Golem. I must locate the cave that holds the Jar of Souls, to capture souls for the Golem.
  • Phase30

  • Find the cave containing the vile artifact
  • stl
    { "Name": "Necromancer: Call of the Underworld", "Phase8Description": "The Necromancer Maltorius would teach me to craft a Golem. I must gather bones to form its body.", "Callback7Header": "Collect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}", "Phase11Description": "The Necromancer Maltorius would teach me to craft a Golem. I must harvest wandering souls to give my Golem a mind and a will.", "Callback10Header": "Enter the Bitter Cave", "Phase22Description": "In my mind I hear the echoing voices of the dead. They bid me to honor my Necromantic calling with a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Rathma.", "Callback21Header": "Pray at the Shrine of Rathma", "Phase25Description": "A strange vision has appeared at the Shrine of Rathma, a figure alight with Necromantic energies. He appears eager to speak with me.", "Callback24Header": "Speak with the spectral presence", "Phase31Description": "The Necromancer Maltorius would teach me to craft a Golem. I must locate the cave that holds the Jar of Souls, to capture souls for the Golem.", "Callback30Header": "Find the cave containing the vile artifact" }
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