
Unique Two-Handed Mace
725 Item Power

1,711 Damage Per Second
  • [1,521 – 2,281] Damage per Hit
  • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +52.5}% Overpower Damage

  • +[10.5 – 17.5]% Physical Damage
  • +[[42 – 63]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
  • Damage_to_LowLife
  • +[1.5 – 2] Ranks of All [1.5 – 2] Skills
  • Death Blow creates a shockwave, dealing [24 – 38]% of its Base damage to enemies. Enemies who die to this effect also reset Death Blow’s Cooldown.
  • The malformed snake creatures that live in the swamps are not content with simply killing their prey. They seem to take a malicious pleasure from inflicting as much suffering as possible before death.
    Requires Level 60
    Information /3
    name desc
    Drop Min Level60
    Vendor Min Level300
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 4
    +52.5}% Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    +[10.5 – 17.5]% Physical Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.03 – 0.055]
    340[0.045 – 0.075]
    460[0.065 – 0.1]
    625[0.075 – 0.125]
    780[0.105 – 0.175]
    +[[42 – 63]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.045 – 0.09]
    150[0.13 – 0.205]
    340[0.18 – 0.27]
    460[0.255 – 0.36]
    625[0.3 – 0.45]
    780[0.42 – 0.63]
    +[1.5 – 2] Ranks of All [1.5 – 2] Skills
    Item Power
    625[1 – 1.5]
    780[1.5 – 2]
    { "Name": "Overkill", "Flavor": "The malformed snake creatures that live in the swamps are not content with simply killing their prey. They seem to take a malicious pleasure from inflicting as much suffering as possible before death.", "TransmogName": "Jade Warhammer" }
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/2HMace_Unique_Barb_100.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/twoHandMace_uniq07", "snoItemType": "ItemType/Mace2H", "eMagicType": 2, "dwFlags": 29836, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 0, "nBaseCostCurrency": 80, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "unk_8d06437": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nDropMinLevel": 60, "nDropMaxLevel": 200, "nVendorDropMinLevel": 300, "nVendorDropMaxLevel": 300, "eDropMinWorldTier": 3, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoBaseItem": "Item/Mace2H_Normal_Barb_001", "nTomeLevel": 0, "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "unk_6a20140": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [ "Affix/INHERENT_OverpowerDamage" ], "arForcedAffixes": [ "Affix/2HMace_Unique_Barb_100", "Affix/Damage_Type_Bonus_Physical", "Affix/OverpowerDamage", "Affix/Damage_to_LowLife", "Affix/SkillRankBonus_Barb_Special_DeathBlow_UNIQUE" ], "unk_e6191d6": [], "unk_192312c": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arForcedArmorPacts": [], "arDisallowedAffixFamilies": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "fBottomless": false, "eItemUseType": 0, "unk_f772ea": 0, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_9af95a9": true, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "nCustomDropWeight": 400000, "eGemType": 0, "bIsTransmog": true }
    Kill an Elite enemy with a 2 Hand Bludgeoning, a 2 Hand Slashing, and a 1 Hand Weapon in 10 seconds.
  • Kill Elites quickly with multiple weapon types.
  • Reward: Brutal, Dancer
    { "Name": "Overkill", "Desc": "Kill an Elite enemy with a 2 Hand Bludgeoning, a 2 Hand Slashing, and a 1 Hand Weapon in 10 seconds.", "DescShort": "Kill Elites quickly with multiple weapon types." }
    References to this File
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Achievement/Class_Barbarian_General_I_Arsenal2.ach", "uPointsValue": 2, "dwNextID": 3, "uMinRequiredCriteria": 3, "uFlags": 32, "uPlatformFlags": 15, "arLinkedAchievements": [], "arCriteriaList": [ { "uID": 235092, "uNecessaryQuantity": "1", "tStartEvent": { "dwType": 4286658627, "eId": 103, "arModifier": [ { "eNecessaryCondition": 214, "eOperandType": 1, "ePowerCategory": 0, "eSlot": 8, "eCrafterType": 0, "eCCType": 0, "szName": 0, "eIQL": 0, "eIQM": 0, "eMonsterRarity": 0, "eDamageType": 0, "eShapeshiftForm": 0, "eDungeonFlavorType": 0, "eDungeonTier": -1, "eZone": 0, "eWorldTier": 0, "eParagonNodeRarity": 0, "uVal": 0, "eBountyType": 0, "eRogueImbueType": 0, "eGizmoType": 0, "unk_50ad996": 0, "tDateTime": "0", "uOperand": "8" }, { "eNecessaryCondition": 214, "eOperandType": 1, "ePowerCategory": 0, "eSlot": 9, "eCrafterType": 0, "eCCType": 0, "szName": 0, "eIQL": 0, "eIQM": 0, "eMonsterRarity": 0, "eDamageType": 0, "eShapeshiftForm": 0, 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