Phases of the Moon Quest /5
Reward: Khazra Bones

All Referenced Items

  • Khazra Bones QST_Step_QaraYisu_FetchMinor_04_Bones
  • Phase9

  • I have collected the Khazra Bones. I should return them to Arban in Qara Yisu for reward.
  • Phase8

  • Return to Arban
  • Phase10

  • Superstitions and worry have infected the workers of Qara Yisu. I've been tasked with collecting Khazra Bones to help ward off curses and put the people's minds at ease. Khazra roam outside of the mine, in the Barren Steeps and Yin’ada Gur.
  • Phase12

  • Collect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}