Pyre of Ash Quest /5


  • Speak with Torben about Blackweald Company
  • Phase13

  • Find the source of the smoke
  • Phase15

  • Enter the Embered Recess
  • Phase0

  • Torben told me the worn insignia belonged to a mercenary company from the Days of Ash. Blackweald Company. The same company of the fabled killer, the Bear of Blackweald. Torben seems disturbed by the idea that they have returned. I should speak with him to see how they’re related to the merchant killings.
  • Phase11

  • As Torben was telling me about Blackweald Company, we were interrupted by news of a large fire spotted on the southern ridge. Torben seemed disquieted by the news, saying he believes the fires are connected to Blackweald Company’s return. He asked that I search for the source of the fires while he protects the Goose and its patrons.
  • Phase16

  • I found the source of the smoke—a pyre of human corpses. Scorched bodies lead to a nearby cellar entrance. I’m sure to find answers within.