Lucky Hit Chance: 45%
Passive: 1 + (Mod.UpgradeB ? 2 : 0) + 0 + SkillRank(SNO.Power.X1_Druid_Talent_Hybrid_T5_N6) * PowerTag.X1_Druid_Talent_Hybrid_T5_N6."0.31" |4Raven:Ravens; |4flies:fly; above you and periodically |4attacks:attack; your enemies for 31% damage every 5 seconds.
Active: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing 300% damage over 6 seconds.
Rank Up:
Passive Damage 31%
Active Damage 300%
Active Damage 300%
- Enhanced Ravens: You have +8% increased Critical Strike Chance against enemies for 6 seconds after they are hit by Ravens.
- Ferocious Ravens: Enemies inside the swarm of Ravens when it is activated become Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- Brutal Ravens: 2 additional Ravens periodically attack enemies. Increases the passive damage of Ravens by x40%.
Affix /6
Paragon Glyph
Additional Bonus:The Passive portion of {c_important}Companion{/c} Skills deal {c_number}x130%{/c} increased damage. Requirements: (purchased in radius range)+25 Intelligence
Additional Bonus:
Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Both bonuses persist as long as you are in either animal form and are lost after 3 seconds in Human form.
Gain the Passive Effect of Ravens, Wolves and Poison Creeper.
Info /46