Reclamation Quest /5
label name
ToastHelp the Seer follow her investigation into Corbach's famine to the root of the issue.


  • Baewynn was right about the Chieftain. Either by true faith or blind subservience, he has abandoned the old ways and resigned Corbach to its fate. I should meet up with the seer near Domhainne Tunnels to find the truth of the goatman raids and resulting famine.
  • Phase5

  • Speak with Baewyn outside Domhainne Tunnels
  • Phase15

  • Speak with Baewyn the Seer
  • Phase16

  • It seems clear now that the Chieftain of Corbach had the old druidic Wardstones destroyed, in an attempt to bring a new faith to his people. I should discuss these findings with Baeywnn.
  • Phase64

  • Speak with Chieftain Eiruig
  • Phase58

  • Search the Crimson Passages
  • Phase74

  • In our search for the cause of the famine and encroaching Goatman raids, Baewynn and I discovered broken druidic Wardstones in the Domhainne Tunnels. Whoever defaced these Wardstones attempted to replace them with holy symbols of the Cathedral of Light, seemingly to no effect. We must continue exploring the tunnel.
  • Phase80

  • Examine the Cathedral Cross
  • Phase94

  • Search the Dark Descent
  • Phase105

  • Examine the Cathedral Cross
  • Phase108

  • Continue searching the Dark Descent
  • Phase126

  • Baewynn and I must search the Domhainne Tunnels for answers about the famine and recent Goatman raids around Corbach.
  • Phase128

  • Enter Domhainne Tunnels
  • Phase65

  • My investigation with Baewyn the Seer has led me to discover Corbach's famine may have something do with the town's Chieftain, Eiruig, and his disregard for the land's protective Wardstones.
  • stl
    { "Name": "Reclamation", "Toast": "Help the Seer follow her investigation into Corbach's famine to the root of the issue.", "Phase0Description": "Baewynn was right about the Chieftain. Either by true faith or blind subservience, he has abandoned the old ways and resigned Corbach to its fate.\r\n\r\nI should meet up with the seer near Domhainne Tunnels to find the truth of the goatman raids and resulting famine.", "Callback5Header": "Speak with Baewyn outside Domhainne Tunnels", "Callback15Header": "Speak with Baewyn the Seer", "Phase16Description": "It seems clear now that the Chieftain of Corbach had the old druidic Wardstones destroyed, in an attempt to bring a new faith to his people.\r\n\r\nI should discuss these findings with Baeywnn.", "Callback64Header": "Speak with Chieftain Eiruig", "Callback58Header": "Search the Crimson Passages", "Phase74Description": "In our search for the cause of the famine and encroaching Goatman raids, Baewynn and I discovered broken druidic Wardstones in the Domhainne Tunnels.\r\n\r\nWhoever defaced these Wardstones attempted to replace them with holy symbols of the Cathedral of Light, seemingly to no effect. We must continue exploring the tunnel.", "Callback80Header": "Examine the Cathedral Cross", "Callback94Header": "Search the Dark Descent", "Callback105Header": "Examine the Cathedral Cross", "Callback108Header": "Continue searching the Dark Descent", "Phase126Description": "Baewynn and I must search the Domhainne Tunnels for answers about the famine and recent Goatman raids around Corbach.", "Callback128Header": "Enter Domhainne Tunnels", "Phase65Description": "My investigation with Baewyn the Seer has led me to discover Corbach's famine may have something do with the town's Chieftain, Eiruig, and his disregard for the land's protective Wardstones." }
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