Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 100%
Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for *100% damage. Gain 50% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds afterwards.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Shadow Step: Damaging an enemy with Shadow Step Dazes and applies Vulnerable to them for 3 seconds.
- Disciplined Shadow Step: Shadow Step deals x300% more damage. Casting Shadow Step reduces its Cooldown by 3 seconds.
- Methodical Shadow Step: After Shadow Stepping, you gain 20% Damage Reduction for 3 seconds.
Affix /4
Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 100%
Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for *100% damage. Gain 50% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds afterwards.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Shadow Step: Damaging an enemy with Shadow Step Dazes and applies Vulnerable to them for 3 seconds.
- Disciplined Shadow Step: Shadow Step deals x300% more damage. Casting Shadow Step reduces its Cooldown by 3 seconds.
- Methodical Shadow Step: After Shadow Stepping, you gain 20% Damage Reduction for 3 seconds.
Rogue, Offensive, Codex of Power
Your Stun Grenades deal 25% increased damage.(Rogue Only)
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Rogue, Mobility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Info /45
name | desc |
SF_0 | 0.8 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] |
SF_1 | 8 |
SF_2 | 0.5 |
SF_3 | 100 |
SF_4 | 5 |
SF_5 | 0.5 |
SF_6 | 2 |
SF_7 | 2 |
SF_8 | 0.8 |
SF_9 | 0.4 |
SF_10 | ItemIsEquipped(SNO.Item.1HDagger_Unique_Rogue_001)? RogueComboPointsEnabled() : 0 |
SF_11 | 1.8 |
SF_12 | 0.8 * 100 * Table(34, 3) |
SF_13 | 3 |
SF_14 | 0.08 |
SF_15 | 3 |
SF_16 | 9 |
SF_17 | 3 |
SF_18 | 4 |
SF_19 | SF_22 ? (SF_22 + 1) : 0 ? 1 : 0 |
SF_20 | SF_22 ? (SF_22 + 1) : 0 ? 0 : 1 |
SF_21 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Rogue_ShadowStep) ? (GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Rogue_ShadowStep) + 1) : 0 |
SF_22 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Rogue_ShadowStep) |
SF_23 | 3 |
SF_24 | 0.2 |
SF_25 | 2 |
SF_26 | Affix_Value_1#legendary_rogue_018 * (Weapon_Damage_Min_Total + Weapon_Damage_Delta_Total) |
SF_27 | 3 |
SF_29 | Cleave_Damage_Bonus_Percent_Per_Power#Rogue_ShadowStep |
SF_30 | 3.5 |
SF_31 | 200 |
name | Shadow Step |
desc | Charges: {SF_21} Charge Cooldown: {Recharge Time} seconds Cooldown: {Cooldown Time} seconds Lucky Hit Chance: [{Combat Effect Chance}|%|] Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for {payload:MELEE_PAYLOAD} damage. Gain [{SF_5}*100|%|] increased Movement Speed for {buffduration:BONUS_MOVE_SPEED} seconds afterwards. |
rankup_desc | Damage {payload:MELEE_PAYLOAD} |
Mod2_Description | Damaging an enemy with Shadow Step Dazes and applies Vulnerable to them for {SF_23} seconds. |
Mod2_Name | Enhanced Shadow Step |
Mod3_Description | Shadow Step deals [SF_27*100|%x|] more damage. Casting Shadow Step reduces its Cooldown by {SF_13} seconds. |
Mod3_Name | Disciplined Shadow Step |
Mod4_Description | After Shadow Stepping, you gain [{SF_24}*100|%|] Damage Reduction for {SF_15} seconds. |
Mod4_Name | Methodical Shadow Step |
{buffduration:BONUS_MOVE_SPEED} | 2 |
{payload:MELEE_PAYLOAD} | 0.8 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100% |
{Combat Effect Chance} | 100 |
{Cooldown Time} | 9 |
{Recharge Time} | 0.25 |