Kill 15 enemies with Ball Lightning in 5 seconds.
Reward: Dazzling, Conductor
  • Defeat the {icon:Icon_WorldTier_4, 2.5} Tormented Lightning Penitent Knight
  • 0/1
  • Defeat Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint in {icon:Icon_WorldTier_4, 2.5} Torment
  • Reward: 4100 Flavor
  • Defeat Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint in {icon:Icon_WorldTier_4, 2} Torment
  • Reward: 4000 Flavor
  • Defeat Tormented Echo of Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint, summoned within the{icon:Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,2}{c_highlight}Hall of the Penitent{/c} in central {c_important}Dry Steppes{/c} with {c_pickups}Living Steel{/c}, in Torment I or higher
  • Reward: 4000 Flavor
  • Defeat Tormented Echo of Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint, summoned within the{icon:Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,2}{c_highlight}Hall of the Penitent{/c} in central {c_important}Dry Steppes{/c} with {icon:Icons_Quest_Keys_Primitive_Metal_001,2.5} {c_pickups}Living Steel{/c}, on Torment I or higher
  • Reward: 4000 Flavor