Sister Octavia's Letter

Quest Item

A hastily-written note from Sister Octavia. It describes her worsening health and suspicions that the demon you encountered in the sewers was not destroyed, but instead took her as its next host.
Information /4
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
QuestFaith in Blood
Lore /1
name desc
Sister Octavia's Letter
  • Sister Octavia: Dear friend, I do not know how much longer my shaking hand will hold a quill, so I shall be brief. I believe the demon we thought we slew in the sewers was able to escape death by using me as its next host.
  • (Male) Serious tone.
  • Sister Octavia: Please, come to me in Kvera's cellar if you can. You're the only one I can trust to help. My life is in your hands.
  • (Male) Pronounciation: Kveh-Rah
{ "Name": "Sister Octavia's Letter", "Flavor": "A hastily-written note from Sister Octavia. It describes her worsening health and suspicions that the demon you encountered in the sewers was not destroyed, but instead took her as its next host." }
References to this File
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