Small Blessings Quest /6
label name
LevelAreaThe Trail of Bones
NameSmall Blessings
ToastEscort Oyuun back to Zolaya
BreadcrumbHeaderBring Oyuun to Lorath and Zolaya
BreadcrumbDescriptionWe have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.


  • We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.
  • Phase41OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Speak with Oyuun in Jakha Basin
  • Phase40

  • Speak with Oyuun
  • Phase44

  • We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.
  • Phase44OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Speak with Oyuun in Jakha Basin
  • Phase64

  • Speak with Oyuun
  • Phase67

  • Speak with Lorath
  • Phase67OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Speak with Lorath in Jakha Basin
  • Phase66

  • Speak with Lorath
  • Phase71

  • We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.
  • Phase71OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Escort Oyuun to Zolaya in Jakha Basin
  • Phase70

  • Escort Oyuun to Zolaya
  • Phase84

  • We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.
  • Phase84OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Speak with Oyuun in Jakha Basin
  • Phase83

  • Speak with Oyuun
  • stl
    { "Name": "Small Blessings", "Toast": "Escort Oyuun back to Zolaya", "Phase41Description": "We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.", "Callback40Header": "Speak with Oyuun", "Phase44Description": "We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.", "Callback64Header": "Speak with Oyuun", "Phase67Description": "Speak with Lorath", "Callback66Header": "Speak with Lorath", "Phase71Description": "We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.", "Callback70Header": "Escort Oyuun to Zolaya", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Bring Oyuun to Lorath and Zolaya", "BreadcrumbDescription": "We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.", "Phase84Description": "We have escaped the darkness of the prisons and emerged into the harsh sunlight of the Steppes. I should escort Oyuun back to camp before we discuss the next steps of our plan to enter the Tyrant's palace.", "Callback83Header": "Speak with Oyuun", "Phase41OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Speak with Oyuun in Jakha Basin", "Phase44OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Speak with Oyuun in Jakha Basin", "Phase67OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Speak with Lorath in Jakha Basin", "Phase71OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Escort Oyuun to Zolaya in Jakha Basin", "Phase84OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Speak with Oyuun in Jakha Basin" }
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