Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
For 8 seconds, you corrupt surrounding enemies, dealing [8*0]*100% damage per second.

Every 0.25 seconds of this duration, you absorb the souls of up to 3 enemies, gaining 2 Essence and a Barrier for 2% of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,{shield:BUFF_SHIELD})]) for 5 seconds. You absorb 3 souls at a time from Bosses.

Every 30 souls consumed refills 1 of your Healing Potions with the lifeblood of your tortured victims.
Rank Up:
Damage per second [8*0]*100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
Every 30 souls consumed refills 1 of your Healing Potions with the lifeblood of your tortured victims

  • Supreme Soulrift: Every soul absorbed increases your damage by x0.5%, up to x75%. This bonus persists for 5 seconds after Soulrift ends.
  • Prime Soulrift: Soulrift extracts twice the souls from enemies and applies Vulnerable to them for 3 seconds. After it ends, all surrounding enemies are Feared and Slowed by 85% for 5 seconds.
Affix /2
Unique Helm
800 Item Power

1,000 Armor
  • +[21 – 29.6]% Chance for [0.21 – 0.296] to Deal Double Damage
  • [15.5 – 20]% Resource Generation
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Imperfectly Balanced
  • [13 – 17.5]% Damage Reduction while You Have a Barrier
  • Soulrift's duration is increased by 0.5 seconds for every 30 Essence you spend while it's active, up to 8 seconds.

    Soulrift deals [100 – 200]% of its Shadow damage per second to surrounding enemies for every 30 Essence you gain while its active.(Necromancer Only)
  • Urzael rent asunder his own wings and armor with a fury unbridled. For never would he bow to the doom of mortals, nor endure defeat at their lowly hands.
    Necromancer, Mobility, Codex of Power
  • While Soulrift is active, you are Unhindered and gain +1% increased Movement Speed per absorbed soul, up to +40%.

    This lasts for 5 seconds after Soulrift ends.(Necromancer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /53
    name desc
    SF_050 * ([1/0.95/0.9/0.86/0.82])
    SF_35.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]
    SF_55.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] / 8
    SF_191 + Power_Duration_Bonus_Pct#X1_Necromancer_Ultimate4
    SF_20Affix.Helm_Unique_Necro_101_x1."Static Value 0"
    SF_21Affix.Helm_Unique_Necro_101_x1."Static Value 1"
    SF_22Affix.Helm_Unique_Necro_101_x1."Static Value 2"
    SF_235.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] / 8*Affix_Value_1#Helm_Unique_Necro_101_x1/100
    SF_24Affix.Helm_Unique_Necro_101_x1."Static Value 3"
    SF_31Affix_Value_2#legendary_necro_134 /100
    SF_32(Floor((sLevel)/5))? 1 : 0
    descCooldown: {Cooldown Time} seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [{Combat Effect Chance}|%|]
    For {buffduration:CASTER_SKILL_ACTIVE} seconds, you corrupt surrounding enemies, dealing {dot:SOUL_EXTRACTED} damage per second.

    Every [SF_4|2|] seconds of this duration, you absorb the souls of up to {SF_7} enemies, gaining {SF_6} Essence and a Barrier for [{SF_26}*100|%|] of your Maximum Life ([Max(1,{shield:BUFF_SHIELD})]) for {buffduration:BUFF_SHIELD} seconds. You absorb {SF_13} souls at a time from Bosses.

    Every {SF_33} souls consumed refills {SF_34} of your Healing Potions with the lifeblood of your tortured victims.
    rankup_desc Damage per second {dot:SOUL_EXTRACTED}
    Cooldown {Cooldown Time} seconds
    At Rank 5:
    Every {SF_33} souls consumed refills {SF_34} of your Healing Potions with the lifeblood of your tortured victims
    Buff9_NameSoul Rift
    Buff9_DescriptionIncreases your damage by [{SF_14}*100|%x|] per stack.
    Buff23_NameSoul Energy
    Buff23_DescriptionYour Movement Speed is increased by [{SF_31}*100|1%+|] per stack.
    Buff25_NameVitality Drain
    Buff25_DescriptionFueling your Health Potions with mortal suffering.
    Mod0_DescriptionEvery soul absorbed increases your damage by [{SF_14}*100|x%1|], up to [{SF_16}*{SF_14}*100|x%|]. This bonus persists for {SF_15} seconds after Soulrift ends.
    Mod0_NameSupreme Soulrift
    Mod1_DescriptionSoulrift extracts twice the souls from enemies and applies Vulnerable to them for {SF_18} seconds. After it ends, all surrounding enemies are Feared and Slowed by [{SF_30}|%|] for {SF_28} seconds.
    Mod1_NamePrime Soulrift
    {dot:SOUL_EXTRACTED}[8*5.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] / 8]*100%
    {Combat Effect Chance}20
    {Cooldown Time}0
    {Recharge Time}