Starfall Coronet

Unique Helm
800 Item Power

1,000 Armor
Cooldown: 1 Seconds
  • +[14 – 16] to Meteor
  • [8.1 – 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
  • +[18.5 – 27.5]% Meteor Size
  • +[126 – 180] Intelligence
  • Meteor's Mana cost is replaced with a [4 – 10] second Cooldown and [2] total Charges.

    Casting Meteor drops 3 additional Meteors around the target. Its Enchantment and Enhancement drop 1 additional Meteor instead.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "The elders say they saw a star falling from the sky many years ago. A sign from the heavens that the end times were nigh. A rallying cry to take up arms and protect Sanctuary!"
    - Crusader Hamilton
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    +[14 – 16] to Meteor
    Item Power
    0[2 – 10]
    700[3 – 15]
    800[4 – 16]
    [8.1 – 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
    Item Power
    0[0 – 1]
    590[0 – 1]
    750[0 – 1]
    +[18.5 – 27.5]% Meteor Size
    Item Power
    0[0.135 – 0.225]
    700[0.16 – 0.25]
    800[0.185 – 0.275]
    +[126 – 180] Intelligence
    Item Power
    0[86 – 140]
    625[106 – 160]
    780[126 – 180]
    { "Name": "Starfall Coronet", "Flavor": "\"The elders say they saw a star falling from the sky many years ago. A sign from the heavens that the end times were nigh. A rallying cry to take up arms and protect Sanctuary!\"\r\n- Crusader Hamilton" }
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/Helm_Unique_Sorc_100.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/HLM_sets53", "snoItemType": "ItemType/Helm", "eMagicType": 2, "dwFlags": 29824, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 1, "dwComponentStyle": 53, "nMaxStackSize": 0, "nBaseCostCurrency": 30, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoBaseItem": "Item/Helm_Normal_Generic_001", "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "unk_4e31b8b": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [], "arForcedAffixes": [ "Affix/Helm_Unique_Sorc_100", "Affix/UNIQUE_SkillRankBonus_Sorc_Special_Meteor_Higher", "Affix/S04_CooldownReductionCDR", "Affix/UNIQUE_Size_Skill_Sorc_Meteor", "Affix/UNIQUE_CoreStat_Intelligence_HigherHigher" ], "fUsableByClass": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "unk_eaa363d": 0, "hRuneIcon": 0, "eRuneRarity": 0, "unk_e515eee": 0, "unk_ee3a551": 1, "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 2778329159, "hFemaleImage": 2770027712 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "hVendorIcon": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 0, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "unk_5e84277": 0, "unk_1b959e8": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_97d0027": -1, "unk_9af95a9": true, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "bIsTransmog": false }