The Ravenous Idol Quest /4

All Referenced Items

  • The Ravenous Idol QST_Naha_LegacyOfTheEater_Book
  • Phase0

  • While traveling, I found a dead Goatman with a strange idol. Perhaps this is the same relic that Sutsara was searching for? Now that I've picked up the idol, I should bring it to Sutsara.
  • Phase2

  • Bring Sutsara {ITEM:QST_Naha_LegacyOfTheEater}
  • Phase8

  • While traveling, I found a dead Goatman with a strange idol. Perhaps this is the same relic that Sutsara was searching for? I should take the idol with me.
  • Phase9

  • Pick up {ITEM:QST_Naha_LegacyOfTheEater}
  • The Ravenous Idol

    Quest Item

    A carving on the idol reads, "Granddaughter, on the day you answer Etsuk Supa's call, remember that I am with you. May this ravenous idol allow you to control your gift, lest it control you."
    Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
    Information /2