Torn Parchment


Information /3
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
name desc
Torn Parchment
  • (Male) Torn Parchment
  • Torn Parchment: We hid among the corpses. The rotten ones that even the Tyrant and his monsters deemed unworthy of eating. The herbs Khulun gave us helped. Dulled my mind. Put my stomach at ease.
  • (Male) Worried, anxious, and exhausted. A sliver of hope at the end.
  • Torn Parchment: Mercifully, I can’t remember much. Only a thumping noise as the cannibals pulled the cart through the streets. Then the trickle of water when they dumped us into the old canals.
  • Torn Parchment: It reeks of death down here. But it seems safe. A paradise compared to the streets. Tomorrow we will explore deeper into the canals. See if there might be a way out.
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