Unsent Letter


Information /3
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Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
name desc
Unsent Letter
  • (Male) Unsent Letter
  • Unsent Letter: Pa,

    Is it true what they say? An angel walks among men? The Knights march to Kor Valar. If I were two years older, I’d have passed my trials and I’d be marching with them.
  • (Male) Young male teen.
  • Unsent Letter: Instead, I stay. A skeleton crew will guard the fort until the Knights can return. You’d be proud. No more polishing shields for me. They gave me a sword. Though I doubt it will ever see battle.

    I’ll write soon.

{ "Name": "Unsent Letter" }
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Unsent Letter


Written by Carthas, paladin of the Zakarum. His letters are bold and deliberate.
Information /3
name desc
Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
name desc
Unsent Letter Addressed to the Zakarum Church
  • Carthas: I was there when Sankekur fell. I felt Mephisto’s magic clawing at my mind. Even today, when I remember that moment, I am unsure if the anger I feel comes from him or me.
  • Carthas: But that does not hinder my faith. Remember, brothers and sisters, the Light won that day. We rallied. We defeated a Prime Evil. And what’s more, we did it together.
  • Carthas: The darkness will never extinguish the Light. It is our duty to ensure that. The day we discovered the corruption within our faith was the day we began anew.
  • Carthas: It was the day I knew I was truly fighting for the Light.
{ "Name": "Unsent Letter", "Flavor": "Written by Carthas, paladin of the Zakarum. His letters are bold and deliberate." }
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