Item /62
Unique Wand
925 Item Power

1,838 Damage Per Second
  • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
  • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • +[7 – 14]% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • [4.2 – 7]% Mana Cost Reduction
  • +[4.4 – 10]% Fire Lucky Hit Chance
  • +[4 – 5] to Incinerate
  • While Channeling Incinerate, you periodically shoot embers that are attracted to enemies, each dealing [3700 * [0.63 – 0.78]] Fire damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • The burn may heal, but the pain is eternal.
    Unique Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • +[[1.4 – 2]] Maximum Evade |4Charge:Charges;
  • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by [0.6 – 0.8] |4Second:Seconds;
  • +[17.5 – 31.5]% Damage
  • +[5 – 10] to Teleport
  • Gain the effect of the Teleport Enchantment for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment you are taken to a random location.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "The rhythm of the orb, which had pulsed steadily for five centuries, quickened as its owner took his final ragged breaths. It were as if some intelligence within reveled in the sight."
    - Master Eos
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Legendary Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Magic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Magic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Magic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Rare Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • "So skilled was Abe-Mari at divination, they predicted the date of their own death; a skill that proved so ruinous that no mage since has attempted the feat."
    - Excerpt from Secrets of the Mage-Clans
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Requires Level 45
    "So skilled was Abe-Mari at divination, they predicted the date of their own death; a skill that proved so ruinous that no mage since has attempted the feat."
    - Excerpt from Secrets of the Mage-Clans
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Magic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +17.5% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies

  • Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Cosmetic Wand
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
    Necromancer, Sorcerer
    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Wand Core Affix
    +[76 – 90] Intelligence
    Item Power
    0[14 – 16]
    150[23 – 28]
    340[32 – 38]
    460[43 – 50]
    625[60 – 70]
    780[76 – 90]
    +[28 – 42] All Stats
    Item Power
    0[6 – 8]
    150[9 – 14]
    340[13 – 19]
    460[18 – 25]
    625[24 – 34]
    780[28 – 42]
    +[40 – 50]% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.2 – 0.3]
    625[0.3 – 0.4]
    780[0.4 – 0.5]
    +[20 – 30]% Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.1 – 0.15]
    625[0.15 – 0.2]
    780[0.2 – 0.3]
    +[50 – 60]% Basic Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Core Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[50 – 60]% Damage Over Time
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[638.21] Maximum Life
    Item Power
    0[0.04 – 0.078]
    460[0.059 – 0.098]
    625[0.078 – 0.116]
    680[0.098 – 0.135]
    730[0.116 – 0.154]
    780[0.135 – 0.172]
    820[0.154 – 0.19]
    855[0.172 – 0.226]
    890[0.19 – 0.26]
    +[[839.75 – 1780.27]] Life On Hit
    Item Power
    0[0.055 – 0.095]
    150[0.105 – 0.205]
    340[0.145 – 0.265]
    460[0.2 – 0.34]
    625[0.21 – 0.41]
    780[0.25 – 0.53]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +[7 – 14]% Primary Resource
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[[50 – 60]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    Wand Affix
    +[38 – 52] Intelligence
    Item Power
    0[8 – 10]
    150[12 – 17]
    340[20 – 26]
    460[24 – 31]
    625[32 – 42]
    780[38 – 52]
    +[20 – 28] All Stats
    Item Power
    0[5 – 6]
    150[6 – 8]
    340[8 – 11]
    460[13 – 17]
    625[16 – 22]
    780[20 – 28]
    +[14 – 21]% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[14 – 21]% Bone Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[14 – 21]% Lightning Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[18.5 – 39.5]% Basic Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.065]
    150[0.065 – 0.14]
    340[0.095 – 0.185]
    460[0.135 – 0.24]
    625[0.145 – 0.295]
    780[0.185 – 0.395]
    +[12.5 – 19.5]% Mastery Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.035 – 0.06]
    340[0.055 – 0.085]
    460[0.075 – 0.11]
    625[0.09 – 0.14]
    780[0.125 – 0.195]
    +[12.5 – 19.5]% Core Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.035 – 0.06]
    340[0.055 – 0.085]
    460[0.075 – 0.11]
    625[0.09 – 0.14]
    780[0.125 – 0.195]
    +[14 – 21]% Ultimate Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.03]
    150[0.045 – 0.07]
    340[0.06 – 0.09]
    460[0.085 – 0.12]
    625[0.1 – 0.15]
    780[0.14 – 0.21]
    +[7 – 14]% Damage Over Time
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[7 – 14]% Damage to Burning Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[5 – 12]% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.015]
    150[0.015 – 0.035]
    340[0.02 – 0.05]
    460[0.03 – 0.065]
    625[0.035 – 0.085]
    780[0.05 – 0.12]
    +[7 – 14]% Damage to Chilled Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Elites
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Distant Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[9.5 – 16.5]% Damage to Freeze Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.025 – 0.05]
    340[0.04 – 0.07]
    460[0.06 – 0.095]
    625[0.07 – 0.12]
    780[0.095 – 0.165]
    +[21 – 35]% Damage to Healthy Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.05]
    150[0.065 – 0.115]
    340[0.09 – 0.15]
    460[0.13 – 0.2]
    625[0.15 – 0.25]
    780[0.21 – 0.35]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Burning Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[21 – 35]% Damage to Injured Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.05]
    150[0.065 – 0.115]
    340[0.09 – 0.15]
    460[0.13 – 0.2]
    625[0.15 – 0.25]
    780[0.21 – 0.35]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Close Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[7 – 14]% Damage to Shadow Damage Over Time-Affected Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Bleeding Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Stun Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.02 – 0.035]
    150[0.05 – 0.075]
    340[0.07 – 0.1]
    460[0.095 – 0.135]
    625[0.115 – 0.165]
    780[0.165 – 0.235]
    +[12.5 – 19.5]% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.035 – 0.06]
    340[0.055 – 0.085]
    460[0.075 – 0.11]
    625[0.09 – 0.14]
    780[0.125 – 0.195]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[4.4 – 10]% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites
    Item Power
    0[2 – 2]
    150[5 – 10]
    340[10 – 21]
    460[20 – 38]
    625[27 – 59]
    780[41 – 93]
    +17.5% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    +17.5% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
    Item Power
    +28% Damage to Healthy Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.05]
    +28% Damage to Injured Enemies
    Item Power
    0[0.035 – 0.05]
    +16% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    +52.5}% Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[9.5 – 16.5]% Chance to Daze for 2 Seconds
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.025]
    150[0.03 – 0.055]
    340[0.04 – 0.07]
    460[0.06 – 0.095]
    625[0.07 – 0.12]
    780[0.095 – 0.165]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[9.5 – 16.5]% Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
    Item Power
    0[0.015 – 0.025]
    150[0.03 – 0.055]
    340[0.04 – 0.07]
    460[0.06 – 0.095]
    625[0.07 – 0.12]
    780[0.095 – 0.165]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a +[7 – 14]% Chance to Stun for 2 Seconds
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[[42 – 63]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.045 – 0.09]
    150[0.13 – 0.205]
    340[0.18 – 0.27]
    460[0.255 – 0.36]
    625[0.3 – 0.45]
    780[0.42 – 0.63]
    +[76 – 90] Intelligence
    Item Power
    0[14 – 16]
    150[23 – 28]
    340[32 – 38]
    460[43 – 50]
    625[60 – 70]
    780[76 – 90]
    +[28 – 42] All Stats
    Item Power
    0[6 – 8]
    150[9 – 14]
    340[13 – 19]
    460[18 – 25]
    625[24 – 34]
    780[28 – 42]
    +[40 – 50]% Critical Strike Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.2 – 0.3]
    625[0.3 – 0.4]
    780[0.4 – 0.5]
    +[20 – 30]% Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.1 – 0.15]
    625[0.15 – 0.2]
    780[0.2 – 0.3]
    +[50 – 60]% Basic Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Core Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[50 – 60]% Damage Over Time
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[30 – 40]% Vulnerable Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.15 – 0.25]
    625[0.2 – 0.3]
    780[0.3 – 0.4]
    +[638.21] Maximum Life
    Item Power
    0[0.04 – 0.078]
    460[0.059 – 0.098]
    625[0.078 – 0.116]
    680[0.098 – 0.135]
    730[0.116 – 0.154]
    780[0.135 – 0.172]
    820[0.154 – 0.19]
    855[0.172 – 0.226]
    890[0.19 – 0.26]
    +[[839.75 – 1780.27]] Life On Hit
    Item Power
    0[0.055 – 0.095]
    150[0.105 – 0.205]
    340[0.145 – 0.265]
    460[0.2 – 0.34]
    625[0.21 – 0.41]
    780[0.25 – 0.53]
    Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +[7 – 14]% Primary Resource
    Item Power
    0[0.01 – 0.02]
    150[0.02 – 0.045]
    340[0.03 – 0.06]
    460[0.045 – 0.08]
    625[0.05 – 0.1]
    780[0.07 – 0.14]
    +[[50 – 60]}|1%|] Overpower Damage
    Item Power
    0[0.3 – 0.4]
    625[0.4 – 0.5]
    780[0.5 – 0.6]
    +[1.4 – 2] to Basic Skills
    Item Power
    625[1.4 – 2]


    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    +10% Lucky Hit Chance
    Item Power
    { "Name": "Wand" }
    References to other File
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/1HWand_Any_Sorc_001_Gambling.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/wand_base01", "snoItemType": "ItemType/Wand", "eMagicType": 0, "dwFlags": 2125858, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 0, "nBaseCostCurrency": 50, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 3, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoRandomItemTreasureClass": "TreasureClass/207062", "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [ "Affix/INHERENT_Luck" ], "arForcedAffixes": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 0, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "bIsTransmog": false }


    925 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +10% Lucky Hit Chance

  • Necromancer, Sorcerer
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
    +10% Lucky Hit Chance
    Item Power
    { "Name": "Wand" }
    { "__fileName__": "base/meta/Item/1HWand_Rare_Sorc_Crafted_25.itm", "snoActor": "Actor/wand_crft05", "snoItemType": "ItemType/Wand", "eMagicType": 0, "dwFlags": 17408, "ptInitialDyes": [], "eComponentStyleType": 0, "dwComponentStyle": 0, "nMaxStackSize": 0, "nBaseCostCurrency": 2, "unk_11efbc0": 1, "eCurrencyType": 0, "nSellCostOverride": 0, "unk_def75bc": false, "nExplicitRequiredLevel": 0, "ePreferredZone": -1, "snoRareNamePrefixStringList": "StringList/RareNameStrings_Prefix_Weapon_Wand", "snoRareNameSuffixStringList": "StringList/RareNameStrings_Suffix_Weapon_Wand", "nFixedIPowerLevel": 0, "eForcedItemQualityModifier": 0, "unk_8789165": false, "ptAttributes": [], "nForcedMaxAffixCount": -1, "arInherentAffixes": [ "Affix/INHERENT_Luck" ], "arForcedAffixes": [], "fUsableByClass": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "ptSocketedEffects": [], "arReputation": [], "tInvImages": [ { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 }, { "hDefaultImage": 0, "hFemaleImage": 0 } ], "unk_75d565b": 0, "fMustKeepInInventory": false, "eItemUseType": 0, "tRequirementsToBeActive": { "arSeasons": [] }, "bSeasonItem": false, "szItemUseCursor": "", "unk_d1d6a7f": { "szLabel": 0 }, "unk_d085fd9": false, "unk_b30b3df": { "hImageHandle": 0 }, "unk_cbbccc1": 0, "unk_9b60982": 0, "eDisplayedQualityLevel": -1, "bIsTransmog": false }