Cooldown: 0 seconds
Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by [(0.15 + ((sLevel > 0) ? ((0.015*(sLevel-1)) * (1+ParagonNodeIsPurchased(SNO.ParagonNode.Barbarian_Legendary_005) ? PowerTag.Paragon_Barb_Legendary_005."10" : 0)) : 0))*100|1%x|] for 6.48 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3.24 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage Bonus [(0.15 + ((sLevel > 0) ? ((0.015*(sLevel-1)) * (1+ParagonNodeIsPurchased(SNO.ParagonNode.Barbarian_Legendary_005) ? PowerTag.Paragon_Barb_Legendary_005."10" : 0)) : 0))*100|1%x|]

  • Enhanced War Cry: War Cry grants you Berserking for 4 seconds.
  • Power War Cry: If at least 6 enemies are Nearby when you cast War Cry, your damage bonus is increased by an additional x10%.
  • Mighty War Cry: War Cry grants you 15% Maximum Life (Max(1,0.15)) as Fortify.
Affix /3
Your Shout Skill effect durations are increased by x8%.
Rank Up:
Shout Duration x8%
Increases the power of your Shout Skills by 35%.
Info /28