Watchman's Log


Written by a watcher of Qara-Yisu
The cannibals took twelve more of us this week, but Elder Davan has finally gone to the mines. He will free the Ancient Spirit and we will claim its power. No one will threaten Qara Yisu again.
Information /3
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Drop Min Level0
Vendor Min Level0
Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1
Lore /1
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Qara Yisu Watchman's Log
  • (Male) Watchman's Log
  • Watchman's Log: The cannibals took twelve more of us this week, but Elder Davan has finally gone to the mines. He will free the Ancient Spirit and we will claim its power. No one will threaten Qara Yisu again.
  • (Male) Frustrated, then relieved and hopeful.
{ "Name": "Watchman's Log", "Description": "Written by a watcher of Qara-Yisu", "Flavor": "The cannibals took twelve more of us this week, but Elder Davan has finally gone to the mines. He will free the Ancient Spirit and we will claim its power. No one will threaten Qara Yisu again." }
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