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Serpent's Left Eye QST_Hawe_Marsh_TempleLeftEyeSerpent's Right Eye QST_Hawe_Marsh_TempleRightEyePhase17
Timue's cryptic instructions mention being tested by "the Swamp" - whatever that means. I need to find the ruins of a town called Yngovani.Phase17OutsideSubzoneHeader
Find the town of Yngovani in BlightmarshPhase16
Find the town of YngovaniPhase24
The "Temple" appears to be a cave sealed shut with a large stone door. There is an engraved idol of a massive snake named "Mohlon" on the door. The idol is missing its eyes. If I can find and replace them, perhaps the door will open.Phase24OutsideSubzoneHeader
Find the eyes for the engraved stone at YngovaniPhase53
Return the {ITEM:QST_Hawe_Marsh_TempleLeftEye}Phase55
Return the {ITEM:QST_Hawe_Marsh_TempleRightEye}Phase30
I've found the ruins of Yngovani. All that's left of this place is a waterlogged husk. The few humans left are worshippers of the snakes infesting the area. I should dig through these ruins for answers.Phase30OutsideSubzoneHeader
Investigate the engraved stone door at YngovaniPhase85
Investigate the engraved stone doorPhase81
I've found the ruins of Yngovani. All that's left of this place is a waterlogged husk. The few humans left are worshippers of the snakes infesting the area. I should dig through these ruins for answers.Phase81OutsideSubzoneHeader
Search Yngovani in BlightmarshPhase83
Find the temple in Yngovani