Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
Mana Cost: 40
Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing *100% damage and Burning the ground for [3*0]*100% damage over 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Impact Damage *100%
Burning Damage *100%
Burning Damage *100%
- Enhanced Meteor: If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, an additional Meteor falls on the same location.
- Mage's Meteor: Meteor falls 30% faster.
- Wizard's Meteor: Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds.
Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 0% chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies.
Affix /6
Unique Helm
800 Item Power
1,000 Armor
Casting Meteor drops 3 additional Meteors around the target. Its Enchantment and Enhancement drop 1 additional Meteor instead.(Sorcerer Only)
"The elders say they saw a star falling from the sky many years ago. A sign from the heavens that the end times were nigh. A rallying cry to take up arms and protect Sanctuary!"
- Crusader Hamilton
- Crusader Hamilton
Paragon Glyph
Additional Bonus:{c_important}Mastery{/c} Skills have {c_number}30%{/c} increased area. Requirements: (purchased in radius range)+40 Intelligence
Additional Bonus:
Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
Mana Cost: 40
Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing *100% damage and Burning the ground for [3*0]*100% damage over 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Impact Damage *100%
Burning Damage *100%
Burning Damage *100%
- Enhanced Meteor: If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, an additional Meteor falls on the same location.
- Mage's Meteor: Meteor falls 30% faster.
- Wizard's Meteor: Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds.
Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 0% chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies.
Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Info /51
name | desc |
SF_0 | 1.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] |
SF_1 | .85 * 1 - (Mod.UpgradeA ? SF_17 : 0) |
SF_2 | 1.65 * ParagonGlyphAffixIsActive(SNO.ParagonGlyphAffix.Power_004_Intelligence_Main) ? (1 + PowerTag.ParagonGlyph_004."1.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]") : 1 * Min(1.5, 1 + (AoE_Size_Bonus_Per_Power#Sorcerer_Meteor / 2)) |
SF_3 | 1.2 |
SF_4 | 3 |
SF_5 | 0.35 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] |
SF_6 | 0.35 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]/3 |
SF_7 | .4 * 1 - (Mod.UpgradeA ? SF_17 : 0) |
SF_8 | .85 * 1 - (Mod.UpgradeA ? SF_17 : 0)+.4 * 1 - (Mod.UpgradeA ? SF_17 : 0) |
SF_9 | 0.2 |
SF_10 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_Meteor) ? (GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_Meteor) + 1) : 0 |
SF_11 | Affix_Value_1#Helm_Unique_Sorc_100 |
SF_12 | Affix.Helm_Unique_Sorc_100."Static Value 2" |
SF_13 | Affix.Helm_Unique_Sorc_100."Static Value 1" |
SF_14 | AffixIsEquipped(SNO.Affix.Helm_Unique_Sorc_100) ? 1 : 0 |
SF_15 | 1.2 * 100 * Table(34,3) |
SF_16 | 3 |
SF_17 | .3 |
SF_19 | 2 |
SF_20 | AffixIsEquipped(SNO.Affix.Helm_Unique_Sorc_100) ? 0 : 40 |
SF_21 | 1 - (Mod.UpgradeA ? .3 : 0) |
SF_22 | 0 |
SF_23 | ParagonGlyphAffixIsActive(SNO.ParagonGlyphAffix.Power_004_Intelligence_Main) ? (1 + PowerTag.ParagonGlyph_004."1.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]") : 1 |
SF_24 | 0.3 |
SF_27 | 40 |
SF_28 | (1-POW(1-40/100,1/2))*100 |
SF_29 | (1-POW(1-(1-POW(1-40/100,1/2))*100/100,1/(3*2)))*100 |
SF_30 | 1.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] * Affix_Value_1#legendary_sorc_106 / 100 |
SF_31 | 3 |
SF_32 | Affix.Helm_Unique_Sorc_100."Static Value 3" |
SF_33 | Affix_Value_1#legendary_sorc_106 / 100 |
SF_34 | Min(1.5, 1 + (AoE_Size_Bonus_Per_Power#Sorcerer_Meteor / 2)) |
SF_35 | GetBonusMaxChargesForPower(SNO.Power.Sorcerer_Meteor) |
SF_36 | Chance_For_Double_Damage_Per_Power#Sorcerer_Meteor |
name | Meteor |
desc | Charges: {SF_10} Charge Cooldown: {Recharge Time} seconds Mana Cost: {Resource Cost} Lucky Hit Chance: [{Combat_Effect_Chance_Script_Formula_Override:27}|%|] Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing {payload:IMPACT_DAMAGE} damage and Burning the ground for {dot:TOOLTIP_BURNING} damage over {SF_4} seconds. |
rankup_desc | Impact Damage {payload:IMPACT_DAMAGE} Burning Damage {payload:TOOLTIP_BURN_DAMAGE} |
Mod3_Description | If a cast of Meteor hits {SF_16} or more enemies, an additional Meteor falls on the same location. |
Mod3_Name | Enhanced Meteor |
Mod5_Description | Meteor falls [{SF_17}*100|%|] faster. |
Mod5_Name | Mage's Meteor |
Mod6_Description | Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies for {buffduration:IMMOBILIZE} seconds. |
Mod6_Name | Wizard's Meteor |
{buffduration:IMMOBILIZE} | 2 |
{dot:TOOLTIP_BURNING} | [3*0.35 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]/3]*100% |
{payload:IMPACT_DAMAGE} | 1.2 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100% |
{payload:TOOLTIP_BURN_DAMAGE} | 0.35 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100% |
{Combat Effect Chance} | 22.5403 |
{Cooldown Time} | 0 |
{Recharge Time} | 0 |
{Resource Cost} | 40 |