Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 15%
The Gorilla Spirit protects an area for 6 seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for 80% damage and granting you Barrier for 15% of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.15]) every 1.5333 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage 80%
Cooldown 0 seconds

  • (PH) Ultimate Gorilla: (PH) Ultimate Gorilla
    When you activate Invoke, the Gorilla protects an area for 6 seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for 80% Physical damage and sending out waves that deal 100% of your Thorns damage. Within the protected area you have 100% Block Chance and Block Damage Reduction.
  • Harmonious Protector: The Protector's strikes deal x300% increased damage to Non-Elite enemies and reduce the damage you take from Elite enemies by 30% for 6 seconds.
  • :
Affix /2
Casting an Ultimate Skill makes you Unstoppable for 2 seconds.
Rank Up:
Duration 2
Unique Glaive
800 Item Power

1,838 Damage Per Second
  • [1,470 – 2,206] Damage per Hit
  • 1.00 Attacks per Second
  • Attacks Reduce Ultimate Cooldown by 0.2 |4Second:Seconds;

  • +[[1.135 – 1.45]*100|1%|] Ultimate Damage
  • +[80 – 94] Dexterity
  • Casting Ultimate Skills Restores +[20 – 26] Primary Resource
  • +[3.5 – 4] to Supremacy
  • Casting an Ultimate Skill grants or amplifies its matching Primary Spirit Hall Bonus with [[0.5 – 1]*100|%+|] potency for 15 seconds.

    Your Ultimate Skills each gain an additional Skill Type:
    The Seeker is a Focus Skill.
    The Hunter is a Mobility Skill.
    The Devourer is a Potency Skill.
    The Protector is a Defensive Skill.
  • "Fear not the limits of your flesh, Spiritborn!  As our ancestors said: wushe nak pa! Transcend your being!" - Maka
    Info /33
    name desc
    SF_30.8 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]
    SF_445 * ([1/0.95/0.9/0.86/0.82])
    SF_7Round(0.8 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4] * 6 / 46/30)
    SF_150.15 * 1 + Bonus_Percent_Per_Power_2#Spiritborn_Gorilla_Ultimate
    SF_16PowerTag.Spiritborn_Talent_Ultimate_2."Script Formula 1"
    SF_17PowerTag.Spiritborn_Talent_Ultimate_2."Script Formula 0"
    SF_181 + Bonus_Percent_Per_Power_2#Spiritborn_Gorilla_Ultimate
    nameThe Protector
    descCooldown: {Cooldown Time} seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: {Combat Effect Chance}%
    The Gorilla Spirit protects an area for {buffduration:ULT_TIMER} seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for {payload:FOREST_SMASH} damage and granting you Barrier for [{SF_15} * 100|%|] of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * SF_15]) every [{SF_14}|1|] seconds.
    rankup_desc Damage {payload:FOREST_SMASH}
    Cooldown {Cooldown Time} seconds
    Mod8_Description(PH) Ultimate Gorilla
    When you activate Invoke, the Gorilla protects an area for {SF_0} seconds, continuously smashing surrounding enemies for {payload:FOREST_SMASH} Physical damage and sending out waves that deal [100|%|] of your Thorns damage. Within the protected area you have 100% Block Chance and Block Damage Reduction.
    Mod8_Name(PH) Ultimate Gorilla
    Mod9_DescriptionThe Protector's strikes deal [{SF_9}*100|%x|] increased damage to Non-Elite enemies and reduce the damage you take from Elite enemies by [{SF_8}*100|%|] for {buffduration:ULT_TIMER} seconds.
    Mod9_NameHarmonious Protector
    Mod10_DescriptionThe Protector's area persists for an additional {SF_0} seconds. While in the area you are Unstoppable and any enemies or Small Missiles inside are Slowed by [{SF_10}*100|%|].
    Mod10_NameExalted Protector
    {payload:FOREST_SMASH}0.8 * [1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4]*100%
    {Combat Effect Chance}15
    {Cooldown Time}0
    {Recharge Time}45