Aethereal Ash
Crafting Material
Rare, fleeting remnants of a demon's death, found only in the Burning Hells. It can be used to craft concoctions to resist the Infernal Hordes.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Information /2
Recipe /3
Increases a random core stat by 5 for every completed wave in the Infernal Hordes.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Increases a random core stat by 5 for every completed wave in the Infernal Hordes.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Increases a random Resistance by 2% for every completed wave in the Infernal Hordes and increases your Maximum Resistance for all Resistances by 1% every 5 waves.
Maximum Resistances is capped at 85%.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Maximum Resistances is capped at 85%.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.