Rare Crafting Material
A rare herb used in the upgrading of potions or crafting of elixirs & incense at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Crafter_Alchemist,1.5} Alchemist
Collected from:
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Herb_Rare, 1.5} Angelbreath
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_DungeonCellar, 1.5} Cellars
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Helltide_Chest, 1.5} Tortured Gifts in {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Helltide,1.52} Helltide
Cache Rewards from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
Collected from:
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Herb_Rare, 1.5} Angelbreath
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_DungeonCellar, 1.5} Cellars
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Helltide_Chest, 1.5} Tortured Gifts in {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Helltide,1.52} Helltide
Cache Rewards from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
A precious and rare strain of lily-of-the-valley. Considered an alchemical catalyst of few peers.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Information /1
Recipe /32
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases Lightning, Cold and Poison Resistances by +15% and their Maximum Resistances by +4% for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases Lightning, Cold and Poison Resistances by +15% and their Maximum Resistances by +4% for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases Fire, Cold, and Shadow Resistances by +15% and their Maximum Resistances by +4% for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases Fire, Cold, and Shadow Resistances by +15% and their Maximum Resistances by +4% for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases chance to Dodge by 5% for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases chance to Dodge by 5% for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases Maximum Life by 750 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases Maximum Life by 750 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases Resistance to All Elements by +10%, Maximum Resistance to All Elements by +2% for all nearby players.
Increases Armor by +150 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases Resistance to All Elements by +10%, Maximum Resistance to All Elements by +2% for all nearby players.
Increases Armor by +150 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases All Stats by 60 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases All Stats by 60 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next 30 minutes:
Increases Thorns by 400 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
Increases Thorns by 400 for all nearby players.
Increases Experience by 5%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Cold Resistance by +30% and Maximum Cold Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Cold Resistance by +30% and Maximum Cold Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Fire Resistance by +30% and Maximum Fire Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Fire Resistance by +30% and Maximum Fire Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Armor by +50 and Thorns by 250.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Armor by +50 and Thorns by 250.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Lightning Resistance by +30% and Maximum Lightning Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Lightning Resistance by +30% and Maximum Lightning Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Poison Resistance by +30% and Maximum Poison Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Poison Resistance by +30% and Maximum Poison Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Critical Strike Chance by 6% and Critical Strike Damage by 35%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Critical Strike Chance by 6% and Critical Strike Damage by 35%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Shadow Resistance by +30% and Maximum Shadow Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Shadow Resistance by +30% and Maximum Shadow Resistance by +6%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
This item does nothing.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Maximum Life by 15% and Poison Resist by 20%
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Maximum Life by 15% and Poison Resist by 20%
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Invokes the strongest Echo of Varshan from the most powerful Malignant Pustules found within Tunnels.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Overpower damage by 15% and Vulnerable damage by 15%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Overpower damage by 15% and Vulnerable damage by 15%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Maximum Life by 20%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Maximum Life by 20%.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Grants 20% Resource Cost Reduction and 25 Maximum Resource.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Grants 20% Resource Cost Reduction and 25 Maximum Resource.
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases Attack Speed by 15% and Lucky Hit by 15%
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases Attack Speed by 15% and Lucky Hit by 15%
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases a random core stat by 5 for every completed wave in the Infernal Hordes.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Increases a random core stat by 5 for every completed wave in the Infernal Hordes.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Increases a random Resistance by 2% for every completed wave in the Infernal Hordes and increases your Maximum Resistance for all Resistances by 1% every 5 waves.
Maximum Resistances is capped at 85%.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
Maximum Resistances is capped at 85%.
Bonus is only applied in the Infernal Hordes.
Only one Anointment can be active at one time.
For the next {s1} minutes:
Increases damage to Hollows and Hollow infected monsters by 10%
Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Increases damage to Hollows and Hollow infected monsters by 10%
Experience gained is increased by 8%.