Charges: 6
Charge Cooldown: 1 seconds
{/if}Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
Channel to launch knives at surrounding enemies, consuming one Charge per second and each knife dealing *100% damage. Attack Speed increases damage done rather than number of knives thrown.

You gain +20% Movement Speed and 10% Dodge Chance while Channeling Dance of Knives.

Combo Points grant Charges that can exceed the Maximum and are spent when you stop Channeling:
1 Point: 1 Charge
2 Points: 2 Charges
3 Points: 3 Charges
Rank Up:
Damage *100%

  • Disciplined Dance of Knives: Each Dance of Knives knife Slows enemies by 25% for 3 seconds and has a 35% chance to pierce.
  • Methodical Dance of Knives: When you stop Channeling Dance of Knives, drop up to [12] Stun Grenades, each dealing *100% damage. The Channeled duration determines how many are dropped.
  • Enhanced Dance of Knives: Every [30] meters you travel while Channeling Dance of Knives grants [4] |4Charge:Charges.
Affix /1
Rogue, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Knives from Dance of Knives have a [Affix."Static Value 0*100"]% chance to shatter into 6 shards of metal on hit, dealing [3700] Physical damage.

    Dance of Knives now spends Combo Points, granting up to 3 additional Charges that can exceed the Maximum.(Rogue Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /50