Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 8%
Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates once an enemy is within range and Pulls them in, dealing a total of *100% damage in the area.

If Death Trap kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.

Death Trap has an additional Pull In effect when placed.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
At Rank 5:
Death Trap has an additional Pull In effect when placed

  • Prime Death Trap: Death Trap Slows all surrounding enemies by 85% for 5 seconds when it activates.
  • Supreme Death Trap: Enemies that resist Death Traps' Pull In are hit again for x180% of Death Traps' damage.
Affix /5
Paragon Glyph
Additional Bonus:
  • Non-{c_important}Ultimate{/c} {c_important}Trap{/c} Skills have {c_number}x25%{/c} increased radius.
  • Requirements: (purchased in radius range)
  • +25 Intelligence
  • Non-Ultimate Trap Skills have x25% increased radius.
    Unique Chest Armor
    800 Item Power

    1,400 Armor
  • +[7 – 14]% Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
  • [9.5 – 16.5]% Damage Reduction from Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
  • +[42 – 70]% Trap Damage
  • [11.52 – 15.72]% Dodge Chance
  • While you have unlimited Energy from Inner Sight, casting a Core Skill has a [FloatRangeWithIntervalUniqueAffixPityBonus(SharedRandomFloat(), 10, 60, 80)|%|] chance to spawn Caltrops, Poison Trap, or Death Trap. Gain [FloatRangeWithIntervalUniqueAffixPityBonus(SharedRandomFloat(), 10, 10, 20)|%x|] Core Skill Damage.(Rogue Only)
  • Rogue
    Unique Pants
    800 Item Power

    800 Armor
  • Traps Arm 1 seconds Faster

  • +[[2.19 – 3]*100|1%|] Ultimate Damage
  • +[10 – 11] to Aftermath
  • +[[1.365 – 1.47]] Maximum Life
  • [10.5 – 15]% Damage Reduction from Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
  • Death Trap deals x[50 – 150]% increased damage and will rearm itself once after activating.(Rogue Only)
  • "And so, when the sun dipped behind the hills each night, he knew that Ashen Jack would soon be near. Watching, and waiting."
    - Greenslade's Tales, Chapter 2: "Each Long Night"
    Rogue, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Caltrops, Smoke Grenade, and Death Trap receive your Stun Grenade benefits and throw Stun Grenades that deal [2960] Physical damage and Stun enemies for [PowerTag.Rogue_Grenades."Script Formula 2"||] second.

    Your Stun Grenades deal 25% increased damage.(Rogue Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Guulrahn Canals in Dry Steppes OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /36