Fangs of Corruption Quest /6
label name
LevelAreaThe Blood Vale
NameFangs of Corruption
ToastFind what is feeding on the corruption within the Untamed Thicket
BreadcrumbHeaderFind what is feeding on the corruption within the Untamed Thicket
BreadcrumbDescriptionI've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?


  • I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?
  • Phase49OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Enter the Untamed Thicket in the Shrouded Moors
  • Phase51

  • Enter the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase70

  • Exit the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase108

  • Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage
  • Phase107

  • Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage
  • Phase116

  • I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?
  • Phase116OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Find what lies at the end of the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase115

  • Find what lies at the end of the corruption
  • Phase71

  • I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?
  • Phase71OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage
  • stl
    { "Name": "Fangs of Corruption", "Toast": "Find what is feeding on the corruption within the Untamed Thicket", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Find what is feeding on the corruption within the Untamed Thicket", "BreadcrumbDescription": "I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?", "Phase49Description": "I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?", "Phase49OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Enter the Untamed Thicket in the Shrouded Moors", "Callback51Header": "Enter the Untamed Thicket", "Callback70Header": "Exit the Untamed Thicket", "Phase108OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage", "Callback107Header": "Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage", "Phase116Description": "I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?", "Phase116OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Find what lies at the end of the Untamed Thicket", "Callback115Header": "Find what lies at the end of the corruption", "Phase71Description": "I've opened the way to the Untamed Thicket. The corrupted blood runs thick here. What horror awaits me at the end of it?", "Phase71OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Find a way to stop the birth of the Amalgam of Rage" }
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