The Path of Rage Quest /6
label name
LevelAreaThe Blood Vale
NameThe Path of Rage
ToastClear the way into the Untamed Thicket
BreadcrumbHeaderClear the way into the Untamed Thicket
BreadcrumbDescriptionNafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.


  • Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.
  • Phase0OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Destroy the Unnatural Growths sustaining the blockage at the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase10

  • Destroy the Unnatural Growths sustaining the blockage at the Untamed Thicket ({DONE}/{NEEDED})
  • Phase13

  • Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.
  • Phase13OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Locate the entrance to the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase12

  • Follow the flow of corruption into the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase15

  • Locate the Heart of the Moors Entrance
  • Phase17

  • Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.
  • Phase17OutsideSubzoneHeader
  • Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase25

  • Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket
  • Phase5

  • Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket
  • stl
    { "Name": "The Path of Rage", "Toast": "Clear the way into the Untamed Thicket", "Phase0Description": "Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.", "Callback10Header": "Destroy the Unnatural Growths sustaining the blockage at the Untamed Thicket ({DONE}/{NEEDED})", "Phase13Description": "Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.", "Callback12Header": "Follow the flow of corruption into the Untamed Thicket", "Callback15Header": "Locate the Heart of the Moors Entrance", "Phase17Description": "Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.", "Callback25Header": "Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket", "BreadcrumbHeader": "Clear the way into the Untamed Thicket", "BreadcrumbDescription": "Nafain wants me to follow the flow of the corruption into the Untamed Thicket and uncover whatever foulness it feeds within.", "Phase0OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Destroy the Unnatural Growths sustaining the blockage at the Untamed Thicket", "Phase13OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Locate the entrance to the Untamed Thicket", "Phase17OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket", "Phase5OutsideSubzoneHeader": "Destroy the Profane Clot blocking the entrance to the Untamed Thicket" }
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