Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
Hurl a flaming bolt, dealing *100% damage and Burning for [6*]*100% damage over 6 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Burning Damage [6*]*100%
Burning Damage [6*]*100%
- Enhanced Fire Bolt: Fire Bolt pierces through Burning enemies.
- Flickering Fire Bolt: Fire Bolt generates 2 Mana when hitting an enemy.
- Glinting Fire Bolt: Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by x25% for 3 seconds.
Enchantment Effect: Dealing Burning damage has a 10% chance to heal you for 0*100% of your Maximum Life and unleash a Fire Bolt at a nearby enemy.
Affix /3
Unique Sword
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
- 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
This blade once bore divine purpose wielded by the angel Verathiel. Like its keeper, the sword fell to Infernal depths. Yet beneath this corruption, is a heartbeat of a past memory, holding steadfast.
Unique Gloves
800 Item Power
400 Armor
"Kin of Bo'a, beloved of Bucrani,
Whose path led into the wine-dark pasture.
The victor's sword swings for this alone,
To lop off all thought and memory–a final mercy."
Low of Bo'a, Verse 50-54
Whose path led into the wine-dark pasture.
The victor's sword swings for this alone,
To lop off all thought and memory–a final mercy."
Low of Bo'a, Verse 50-54
Unique Staff
800 Item Power
3,677 Damage Per Second
- [2,941 – 4,412] Damage per Hit
- 1.00 Attacks per Second
Your incantations are echoed by a chorus of the damned. Wield their torment, their vengeance, their pain against the Hellborne that tortured them.
Info /38