Gory Display Quest /4
label name
RegionFractured Peaks
LevelAreaOlyam Tundra
NameGory Display

All Referenced Items

  • Warrior's Chain QST_Frac_BearTribeMedallion
  • Phase0

  • I found a Warrior's Chain after slaying a khazra ambush. I should bring this to the Bear Tribe Refuge and notify them of what happened.
  • Phase5

  • Bring the {ITEM:QST_Frac_BearTribeMedallion} to the Bear Tribe Refuge
  • Gory Display

    Cosmetic Trophy
    800 Item Power

    Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
    Information /1
    name desc
    Drop Min World TierWorld Tier 1

    Gory Display

    Gory Display
    Forever in search of combat (and finding it everywhere), those who bathe in blood are easy to follow.
    Series: "Bathed in Blood"