Generate Combo Point: 1
Lucky Hit Chance: 50%
Fire an arrow that seeks an enemy, dealing *100% damage and increasing your Critical Strike Chance against them by +5% for 4 seconds, up to +15%.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
- Enhanced Heartseeker: When Heartseeker Critically Strikes, gain +8% Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Double this amount if the enemy is Vulnerable.
- Fundamental Heartseeker: Heartseeker also increases the Critical Strike Damage the enemy takes from you by x5% for 4 seconds, up to x15%.
- Primary Heartseeker: Heartseeker ricochets to an additional enemy, dealing 75% of the original damage.
Affix /1
Unique Sword
800 Item Power
1,838 Damage Per Second
- [1,337 – 2,005] Damage per Hit
- 1.10 Attacks per Second (Fast)
This blade once bore divine purpose wielded by the angel Verathiel. Like its keeper, the sword fell to Infernal depths. Yet beneath this corruption, is a heartbeat of a past memory, holding steadfast.
Info /43