Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 22.4238%
Form a hurricane around you that deals *100% damage to surrounding enemies over 8.4 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%

  • Enhanced Hurricane: Enemies who are damaged by Hurricane are Slowed by 25% for 2 seconds.
  • Natural Hurricane: Hurricane has a 15% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
  • Savage Hurricane: Enemies affected by Hurricane deal 20% less damage.
Affix /5
Increase the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm by x5%.
Rank Up:
Duration x5%
Unique Amulet
800 Item Power

  • +30% Resistance to All Elements

  • +[10 – 11] to Wrath Skills
  • [16 – 25]% Nature Magic Cooldown Reduction
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Crushing Earth
  • +[21 – 30]% Movement Speed while Hurricane is Active
  • Casting Boulder while Hurricane is active causes the Boulder to rotate around you instead. Boulder's damage is increased by x[20 – 40]% for each one currently rotating.

    You may have up to 10 Boulders active at a time.(Druid Only)
  • As the hateful mob beat on his door, he gripped the pulsing shard tightly and screamed for calm. When he opened his eyes, all that greeted him was silence and the blood-smeared ruins of his cottage.
    Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Hurricane damage is increased by x15% each second while active.(Druid Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Blind Burrows in Hawezar OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Druid, Utility, Codex of Power
  • While Hurricane is active, gain +5 Ranks to your Shapeshifting Skills.(Druid Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Crusaders' Cathedral in Kehjistan OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
    Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Casting Hurricane also spawns a smaller hurricane on your Wolves for 8 seconds. These hurricanes deals 5% of Hurricane's damage for each active Wolf.(Druid Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Info /42