Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
Throw a powerful kick that deals 0*100% damage and Knocks Back enemies in front of you. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 105% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Rank Up:
Damage 0*100%
Charge Cooldown 0.25 seconds
Charge Cooldown 0.25 seconds
- Enhanced Kick: Damaging enemies with Kick makes them Vulnerable for 4 seconds.
- Power Kick: Kick is now also a Core Skill. If Kick damages an enemy, it consumes all of your Fury and deals an additional *100% damage per 10 Fury spent. Kick no longer Knocks Back enemies.
- Mighty Kick: Kicked enemies deal *100% damage to enemies they collide with while being Knocked Back. Enemies damaged this way are Knocked Down for 4 seconds.
Affix /3
Barbarian, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Barbarian, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Barbarian, Mobility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
Info /40