Lucky Hit Chance: 66%
Leap forward and then slam down, dealing *100% damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact.
Rank Up:
Damage *100%
Cooldown 0 seconds
Cooldown 0 seconds
- Enhanced Leap: If Leap doesn't damage any enemies, its Cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
- Power Leap: If Leap damages at least one enemy, gain 40 Fury.
- Mighty Leap: Enemies damaged by Leap are Slowed by 70% for 5 seconds.
Affix /4
Barbarian, Resource, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Ring
Barbarian, Offensive, Codex of Power
Your Summons deal 20% increased damage.(Barbarian Only)
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Barbarian, Defensive, Codex of Power
Your Earthquakes deal 1.37% increased damage.(Barbarian Only)
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
Barbarian, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Info /35