Malignant Heart

Boss Summoning

Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
Requires 4.

Found in Torment difficulties from:
Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
Its muscles convulse arrhythmically.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Information /2
Recipe /6
  • 2 Malignant Heart
  • moning_Varshan_WT4
  • 4 Malignant Heart
  • Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
    Requires 4.

    Found in Torment difficulties from:
    Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
  • 1 Gurgling Head
  • Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
    Requires 4.

    Found in Torment difficulties from:
    Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
  • 1 Blackened Femur
  • Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
    Requires 4.

    Found in Torment difficulties from:
    Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
  • 1 Trembling Hand
  • Merged in {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Gaping Crevasse in southern Kehjistan with {icon:Icon_Tooltip_MiscTrinkets_CrustyGem_Red_001,2.3} Shard of Agony to summon a powerful enemy. Requires 2.

    Acquired from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Boss,1.5} Echo of Varshan within the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow in Torment difficulties only by the one who performs the summoning.

    Rarely found from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
  • 5 Khazra Horn
  • 3 Malignant Heart
  • 4 Abstruse Sigil
  • 15 Veiled Crystal
  • 50000 Gold
  • Malignant Heart

    Boss Summoning

    Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
    Information /1
    Recipe /6
  • 2 Malignant Heart
  • moning_Varshan_WT4
  • 4 Malignant Heart
  • Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
    Requires 4.

    Found in Torment difficulties from:
    Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
  • 1 Gurgling Head
  • Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
    Requires 4.

    Found in Torment difficulties from:
    Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
  • 1 Blackened Femur
  • Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
    Requires 4.

    Found in Torment difficulties from:
    Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
    {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
  • 1 Trembling Hand
  • Merged in {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Gaping Crevasse in southern Kehjistan with {icon:Icon_Tooltip_MiscTrinkets_CrustyGem_Red_001,2.3} Shard of Agony to summon a powerful enemy. Requires 2.

    Acquired from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Boss,1.5} Echo of Varshan within the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow in Torment difficulties only by the one who performs the summoning.

    Rarely found from {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
  • 5 Khazra Horn
  • 3 Malignant Heart
  • 4 Abstruse Sigil
  • 15 Veiled Crystal
  • 50000 Gold