Trembling Hand
Boss Summoning
Assembled beneath The Tree of Whispers within Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy. Collected from Whisper caches.
Drops randomly from Elites, Local Events, Treasure Goblins, Hellborne, and Blood Maiden.
Can be Refined at the Alchemist.
Drops randomly from Elites, Local Events, Treasure Goblins, Hellborne, and Blood Maiden.
Can be Refined at the Alchemist.
Pus oozes from under its fingernails.
Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
Information /2
Recipe /1
Assembled beneath {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers within {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Dungeon_BossSummon,1.8} Malignant Burrow to summon a powerful enemy.
Requires 4.
Found in Torment difficulties from:
Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den
Requires 4.
Found in Torment difficulties from:
Cache Rewards from{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bounties_TurnIn, 1.5} The Tree of Whispers
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Hostile_SuperElite, 1.5} Elite monsters
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_WorldEvent,1.5} World Bosses
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Undercity_Entrance, 1.5} Undercity of Kurast
{icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_Bartering, 1.8} Bartering at the {icon:Icon_Tooltip_Marker_MercenaryHideout, 1.5} Mercenary Den