Pinch of Poison Quest /5
label name
LevelAreaGea Kul
NamePinch of Poison
ToastBaraim has need of a special ingredient.

All Referenced Items

  • Scorpion Venom Glands QST_Kehj_PinchofPoison_ScorpionGlands
  • Phase8

  • Return to Baraim
  • Phase6

  • The proprietor of the Watering Hole in Gea Kul asked me to collect venom glands from the scorpions found all throughout Kehjistan. They are most common in the Amber Sands to the north. There must be easier ways to get poison in a town as seedy as Gea Kul... What could he need these for?
  • Phase9

  • I have collected the venom glands for Baraim. I should return to the Watering Hole tavern in Gea Kul for reward.
  • Phase5

  • Collect {ITEM} in Kehjistan: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
  • stl
    { "Name": "Pinch of Poison", "Toast": "Baraim has need of a special ingredient.", "Callback8Header": "Return to Baraim", "Phase6Description": "The proprietor of the Watering Hole in Gea Kul asked me to collect venom glands from the scorpions found all throughout Kehjistan. They are most common in the Amber Sands to the north.\r\n\r\nThere must be easier ways to get poison in a town as seedy as Gea Kul... What could he need these for?", "Phase9Description": "I have collected the venom glands for Baraim. I should return to the Watering Hole tavern in Gea Kul for reward.", "Callback5Header": "Collect {ITEM} in Kehjistan: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}" }
    References to this File
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