Cooldown: 0 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 28%
Passive: Summon 1 + 0 + Min(1, (SkillRank(SNO.Power.X1_Druid_Talent_Hybrid_T5_N6) - Talent_Rank_Bonus_All)) * PowerTag.X1_Druid_Talent_Hybrid_T5_N6."7" |4poison creeper:poison creepers; to periodically emerge from the ground every 7 seconds, applying [0*0]*100% Poisoning damage over 0 seconds to an enemy in the area.

Active: Vines strangle all enemies surrounding you, Immobilizing them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them for [0*]*100% damage over 0 seconds.
Rank Up:
Passive Damage [0*0]*100%
Active Damage [0*]*100%

  • Enhanced Poison Creeper: Poison Creeper's Immobilize and Poison durations are increased by 1 second.
  • Ferocious Poison Creeper: Poison Creeper's active Poisoning duration is increased by 3 seconds.
  • Brutal Poison Creeper: Your Critical Strike Chance is increased by +20% against enemies strangled by Poison Creeper.
Affix /6
Your Companion Skills deal x12% bonus damage.
Rank Up:
Bonus Damage x12%
Paragon Glyph
Additional Bonus:
  • The Passive portion of {c_important}Companion{/c} Skills deal {c_number}x130%{/c} increased damage.
  • Requirements: (purchased in radius range)
  • +25 Intelligence
  • The Passive portion of Companion Skills deal x130% increased damage.
    Druid, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Gain 1 additional Companion. In addition, your Companion Skills deal x15% bonus damage.(Druid Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    When Shapeshifting, Werebear grants x40% increased damage and Werewolf grants +30% Attack Speed.

    Both bonuses persist as long as you are in either animal form and are lost after 3 seconds in Human form.
    Your Companion Skills each gain [1] additional |4companion:companions; and deal x80% increased damage.

    Gain the Passive Effect of Ravens, Wolves and Poison Creeper.
    Info /42