Ravenous Dead Quest /5
Reward: Ghoul Heart
label name
RegionFractured Peaks
LevelAreaThe Murmuring Mill
NameRavenous Dead
ToastThe hearts of ghouls may hold a secret power.

All Referenced Items

  • Ghoul Heart QST_Frac_DeadMill_GhoulHeart
  • Phase0

  • Olesia, an alchemist in Yelesna, has requested that I gather Ghoul Hearts from the ravenous dead around the Creaking Mill and Morskota Lake.
  • Phase2

  • Collect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}
  • Phase5

  • I should return to Yelesna and deliver the Ghoul Hearts to Olesia.
  • Phase4

  • Speak with Olesia
  • stl
    { "Name": "Ravenous Dead", "Toast": "The hearts of ghouls may hold a secret power.", "Phase0Description": "Olesia, an alchemist in Yelesna, has requested that I gather Ghoul Hearts from the ravenous dead around the Creaking Mill and Morskota Lake.", "Callback2Header": "Collect {ITEM}: {DONE_OVER_NEEDED}", "Phase5Description": " I should return to Yelesna and deliver the Ghoul Hearts to Olesia.", "Callback4Header": "Speak with Olesia" }
    References to this File
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