Ravenous Necrolyte's Cache Quest /4

All Referenced Items

  • Death Mote QST_Kehj_Ridge_Motes_Cultists_DeathMote
  • Ravenous Necrolyte's Cache QST_Kehj_Ridge_Motes_Cultists_CacheInert
  • Phase0

  • I found a cache sealed by powerful death magic. To open it, I must slay cultists and demons in this area and feed their death anima to its hungering lock.
  • Phase8

  • Harvest death anima from cultists and demons
  • Ravenous Necrolyte's Cache

    Quest Item

    Sealed by necromancy. Its lock hungers for the essence of death.
    Sorcerer, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, Spiritborn
    Information /2