Sight to Madness Quest /5

All Referenced Items

  • Necklace of Eyes QST_Frac_SightMad_Eyeball_Necklace
  • Phase15

  • A crazy man named Vilek, imprisoned in Kyovashad, spoke of being able to see out of his plucked eyes and asked that I retrieve them. He claims the town of Nostrava has fallen to cultists and woman named Theya wears them on her necklace.
  • Phase33

  • Slay Theya and retrieve the {ITEM}
  • Phase21

  • A crazy man named Vilek, imprisoned in Kyovashad, spoke of being able to see out of his plucked eyes and asked that I retrieve them. I have slain Theya and have the eyes. I should return them.
  • Phase20

  • Return the {ITEM:QST_Frac_SightMad_Eyeball_Necklace} to Vilek
  • Sight to Madness Quest /3