Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Impale an enemy with your blades, dealing *100% damage and making them take x8% increased damage from you for 3 seconds. After 1.5 seconds the blades return to you, piercing enemies for *100% damage.
Combo Points increase damage and grant a Movement Speed bonus for 3 seconds.
1 Point: 0*100% damage, +20% movement
2 Points: 0*100% damage, +40% movement
3 Points: 0*100% damage, +60% movement
Rank Up:
Impact damage *100%
Piercing damage *100%
Piercing damage *100%
- Improved Twisting Blades: Enemies are Dazed for 3 seconds while impaled with Twisting Blades.
- Advanced Twisting Blades: When your Twisting Blades return, your active Cooldowns are reduced by 0.1 seconds per enemy they passed through, up to [2] seconds.
- Enhanced Twisting Blades: Twisting Blades deals x35% increased damage when returning.
Affix /3
Your non-damage Combo Point bonuses are increased by 33.33% when you spend 3 Combo Points.
Rogue, Offensive, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
Rogue, Utility, Codex of Power
Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
Info /51